Waitrose Cobham's Grand re-opening, October 2023

Waitrose Cobham's Grand re-opening, October 2023
Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Amanda Fisackerly
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, 27 Oct 2023
Thank you to Hugh and the merry group who gave such a spirited and enjoyable performance at Waitrose, Cobham’s grand re-opening. The branch looked so inviting with seasonal goods and products enticingly displayed.

Branch Manager, Sarah, and a great number of their staff, thoroughly enjoyed our singing, as did a large number of shoppers who variously stood and watched, took photos and videos, posted on social media, sang along, and danced out the door laden with their lovely goodies. As ever, given the excited chatter, as we sipped our complementary prosecco afterward, all clearly felt and shared the joy, passion, and pleasure we have singing. 

So much so, that one customer was so thrilled to see our performance and loved all the different styles of music we sang there, and decided then and there that she wanted to join a choir. Well done the Waitrose crew and welcome to our newest member!