
  • Regarding Concerts
  • "Another wonderful concert - the warmth just pours from the stage!"
    - Audience Member, April 2024

    "I admit I was a bit nervous beforehand but, once we got going, I found it exhilarating to be part of something so moving and magnificent. Afterwards, I felt very proud of myself as I had never sung to an audience before."
    - Choir member

    "A little bit of trepidation, but there's a certain safety in numbers, and the teach tracks are very helpful for learning the pieces between rehearsals. So when the lights go on and the curtains go up, it's very exciting! The whole repertoire passes in a flash, the time just goes so quickly."
    - Choir member

    "There were lots of bright warm lights shining, lots of lovely colours and lots of people around us hurrying to get to their seats to be in time for the performance! Along with that ambiance, a hush, and then entered the Conductor, and the wonderful sound of happy singing...tears just flowed! This was the start of us getting our lives back after the pandemic."
    - Audience member


  • Regarding Membership
  • "Love it, togetherness, relaxing, rewarding. Forget Yoga, join our choir!".
    - Choir member, 2023

    "Being a member gives me a great way to get involved in doing something musical, whatever the level of previous experience. Everyone helps each other out and Hugh's directing and teaching style is brilliant."
    - Choir member

    "Being a member makes me feel uplifted, happy, and great to be welcomed in and belong to a community with such a fun and worthwhile shared interest."
    - Choir member

    "I love music with a passion but had never sung before and didn't know if I could do it at all. From day one, the choir made me feel extremely welcome and that I was in a safe space to give singing a go."
    - Choir member


  • Regarding Elmbridge Choir
  • "Elmbridge Choir puts on such a great show. Complete musical joy....what a Choir!"
    - Cllr Richard Williams, Mayor of Elmbridge 2023-2024

    "I have seen Elmbridge Choir perform three times, and they get better and better each time!”
    - Councillor Simon Waugh - Mayor of Elmbridge 2022/23 (pictured above)

    "Whatever did we do before Elmbridge Choir? Elmbridge must have been a very dull place!"
    - Cllr Mary Sheldon, Mayor of Elmbridge 2019-2021


Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Elmbridge Choir