NWS Samaritans ABBA-themed concert and event

NWS Samaritans ABBA-themed concert and event
Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Amanda Fisackerly
Status: Archived
Date Posted: Fri, 17 Nov 2023
What a wonderful evening we all had, singing an ABBA-themed repertoire in support of the North West Surrey Samaritans (Walton on Thames)

During a very well-received performance, attended by the Mayor of Runnymede, Cllr Shannon Saise-Marshall and her Consort, Maj (Retd) Rob Marshall, the Mayor and Mayoress of Elmbridge Cllr Richard Williams & Mrs Agnieszka Williams and The Mayor and Mayoress of Woking, Cllr M Ilyas Raja & Mrs Nargas Ilyas Khan the enthusiastic audience clapped,  danced and cheered at the end of the songs, culminating with a standing ovation!

The Samaritans are delighted that as well as raising awareness, they raised £2500 towards their annual costs, and they, their audience and volunteers had a great time. We heard comments such as : “ what a fantastic show! They really looked like they were enjoying themselves!” and “it was great hearing songs I know so well done in such a different yet recognisable way. Who knew a choir could have such fun and sing music like this?” and “I was hoping to have a good time, and I certainly did!

Bravo and congratulations Hugh, Olivia, our soloists Sara, Sue, James, Debbie, and Jane, and all of you,  for grasping the moment and giving such a cracking performance, you did us all proud!

Photo : courtesy of Nicky Barranger (https://nicolabarranger.co.uk)
From left to right:
Olivia Hugh-Jones (Conductor, Elmbridge Choir), Karen Barrnett (Branch Director, Samaritans), The Mayor of Woking, Cllr M Ilyas Raja, the Mayor of Runnymede, Cllr Shannon Saise-Marshall, the Mayor of Elmbridge Cllr Richard Williams.